Monday, October 19, 2015

Blue's Book Reviews PUCKED by Helena Hunting

Blue’s Book Reviews “PUCKED” By Helena Hunting
Where do I even begin? Do I start with the fact that our leading man, Alex, has an anaconda monster porno penis/appendage that our heroine, Violet, ends up dressing up like a super hero, with a cape, French mustache and googly eyes?
Or do I start with how Violet is totally inappropriate and it absolutely my doppleganger? I seriously believe that Violet and I should be very best friends if she isn’t my long lost twin.
Or do I tell about the numerous times that I busted out LAUGHING OUT LOUD in fits of bellowing, snorting, embarrassing heehawing where people were staring at me like I had lost my mind?
Or do I talk about the dozens of highlighted sentences that I saved in my Kindle while reading PUCKED?
I could always talk about all the beaver references. Beaver button. Beaver breaking. Drooly beaver. How Alex’s smile makes the fountain of beave turn on.
And then there’s the “Exit only! It’s Exit only!” scene which is completely poetic to those of us who understand this situation in real life. Poetic and yet, absolutely HILARIOUS!!
I could literally do this all day, tell you readers about every line, every scene, and every single thing that made me laugh out loud. But I’d just be copy and pasting almost the entire book of PUCKED so I’ll end my review with this.
I absolutely EFFING PUCKING FLOVED PUCKED and I can’t recommend it enough for ya’ll to read it too!
FIVE 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
by Blue’s Book Reviews

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