Sunday, December 27, 2015

Blue's Best of 2015

Here's my Blue's Best of 2015 list.  These books consumed me in one way or another.  They woke me up in the middle of the night from either dreaming about the story or characters or I just had to get up and read one more chapter.  During times where I was forced to "adult", these books were still on my mind and they would find their way into my conversations with other people who may have thought I had finally lost what was left of my mind from my passionate ramblings about these books and authors.  

Books like these are why I read and they are what keep me reading.  These books are the needles in the haystack that I am always searching for.  These listed books are the holy grail of reads for me this year and are all Blue Kitty Certified!!!!
What's on your list?  Which books kept you from "adulting" this year?  

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Letters Written in White by Kathryn Perez

Blue's Book Reviews "LETTERS WRITTEN IN WHITE" by Kathryn Perez

No words.
Absolutely haunting.
Terrifyingly true. 

How do I even explain the emotions that this book brought out of me?  
I can't even put my thoughts into coherent words.  
The writing in this book sliced straight through my soul with a scythe.   It cut me into pieces.  
Because I KNOW this book.  I lived it once upon a time at the ripe old age of 18.

I too have suffered through debilitating depression.  I too had once decided to end the excruciating pain and suffering that was swallowing me up by choosing the black quietness of death over the unrelenting pain of waking up every day.   I too have written my story.   And maybe one day, I too will be brave enough to share it.

I've highlighted over 50% of this book so how do I even begin to pick what to share here?  

"Suicide doesn't happen all at once.  It starts small.  Those early seductive whispers of nagging self talk, worthlessness, self-hate, fear, or sadness curl into your ears subtly at first.  Eventrually it mutates into a relentless roar.  You really don't see death coming until suddenly, in one deeply dark moment, you're face to face with it.  Then, being worn down, exhausted from swimming in an ocean of despair, you drop at Death's feet and surrender.  Like a sander, it wears you down until there's nothing left to fight it off.  Soon your once strong oak exterior is worn down into a meager pile of sawdust.  I wish my husband knew how many times he's held the dust of me in the palms of his hands, slipping through his fingers."

Letters Written in White by Kathryn Perez is like nothing I've ever read before, but its also so very familiar for very person reasons.   
It will haunt you.
It will hurt.
It will give you not just a glimpse, but an IMAX view of depression.  
Everyone should read this book.  EVERYONE.
Whether you've suffered from depression, attempted suicide, or if you love someone who is suffering or had been successful at ending their life, this book brilliantly allows you to see and feel the hopelessness, the pain to keep living, the lullaby of lies that Death will sing so beautifully into your ears.  

Letters Written in White brings you understanding.  It does not sugar coat anything where depression and suicide are concerned.  
It is real.
It is raw.
It is a MUST READ.

Blue's Book Reviews gives LETTERS WRITTEN IN WHITE by Kathryn Perez

ThisThi⤵Get it here  
Letters Written in White purchase link

Friday, December 4, 2015

Midnight Mass by Sierra Simone

Midnight Mass by Sierra Simone

Is it hot in here because it is really hot in here.
Yes I know its winter but I'm sweating like a whore in church.
Why are my glasses all fogged up?
And why are my pants wet?
And why am I sexually assaulting my husband???

Oh I'll tell you why, it's because FATHER BELL is back and he is not leaving anyone disappointed, especially me!!!   And I forgot to wear my #shamwowpanties so that's why my undies are soaked.

Yes, this book is volcanically erotic.
But that's not all it is.
Midnight Mass is also magnificently written.   Flawless even.

"Of all the ghosts that haunt me, it is the priest who stays the closest, who dogs my steps from dawn until dusk.  It's the priest who reminds me of my sins, of everything I've left behind, of every part of secular life that is flat and colorless and petty.  It is the priest who tells me to be afraid of being punished.  Like I'm not already afraid.  But I never expected my punishment to come so soon."

"I cultivate guilt the way a farmer cultivates land.  Long furrows of regret here, heaped mounds of shame there.  I weed away the excuses and the rationalizations, I water the sprouts of self-loathing with more self-loathing, I harvest it all and store it away - silos of contrition and self-condemnation and the knowledge I can't ever atone for all the things I've done wrong.
The sister I didn't save.
The vocation I abandoned.
The wife I'm neglecting."

Sierra Simone is once again absolutely brilliant with this book!!  I was so worried that I would be disappointed as I have with so many other "book two's", but not only did she go beyond my expectations, she has valiantly fought and won a place as one of my "go to authors".

My list of "go to authors" is not a long list, but Sierra Simone just made that short list of mine, one name longer from her books,  Priest and now Midnight Mass.

Midnight Mass made me literally "ACHE" from its nuclear hot scenes.

You must get this series and make sure you are wearing your overnight pad or SHAMWOW panties because you will need them!!!!

Blue's Book Reviews gives Midnight Mass

Click it.  Lick it.  Own it.  NOW.

Priest (Book 1)

Midnight Mass (Book 2)


November 9 by Colleen Hoover

Blue's Book Reviews

Finished November 9 by Colleen Hoover.


This book is absolute poetry.   The words sang into my mind as if it were my new favorite song playing inside my ear buds.  
Lines of words written, that needed to be re-read for the sole purpose of engraving those sentences into my memory.  
Colleen Hoover doesn't just put together letters to form words to form sentences, she creates works of art just by having her fingers hitting tiny buttons upon a keyboard, and with those simple movements from her hands, a masterpiece is created.  

"My flaws are what wake me up in the morning and what keep me awake every night."

"I just sometimes find it difficult to control my indignation in the presence of absurdity."

"One of the things I always try to remind myself is that everyone has scars," she says.  "A lot of them even worse than mine.  The only difference is that mine are visible and most people's aren't."

"You're a virgin."  He says it as more of a realization that a question.  "Yeah, but only for a few more minutes."

"He presses his mouth against my ear and whispers, "No combination of written words could ever do this moment justice."

And to throw back a quote from November 9;  No combination of written words could ever do this book justice.  
It is beautiful.  
It is breathtakingly poetic.  
If William Shakespeare were to be in an English class and study a love story just as we studied Romeo and Juliet in high school, old William would be studying November 9.
Blue's Book Reviews gives NOVEMBER 9 by Colleen Hoover 

November 9 by Colleen Hoover

Appealed by Emma Chase (Book 3 in The Legal Briefs)


The story of Brent and Kennedy is so much fun, steamy hot, and you can't help but cheer them on to make it.  I know when I really love a book by how my pace will slow down towards the end.  I will spend three days reading the last three chapters because I don't want the story to end.  And that's exactly what I did with Appealed.  I didn't want it to end.

Appealed by Emma Chase is the third book in The Legal Briefs series.  Our heroes are childhood best friends, growing up next door to each other with both having very affluent and privileged families.

Brent Mason is a defense attorney with a quick wit and a heart of gold.  As a child, a terrible accident caused him to lose one of his legs, but that does not keep him from having the women lining up to keep his bed warm.

Kennedy Randolph is a prosecutor who has not seen or spoken to her childhood best friend who also stole and broke her heart as a teenager in almost fifteen years.

I could not get enough of the banter between Kennedy and Brent!  It is all classic Emma Chase, and I could literally just banter like this for the rest of my life!!

"What'd you do to your face?" she asks, folding her arms.
I touch my chin.  "I grew a beard."
"Well, ungrow it.  It looks like a vagina from the 1970's porn film."

And just a beautifully, Emma Chase can take you from fits of laughter and then take you to into something so profound and meaningful in such a fluid way, and this always takes my breathe away.

"We shy away from the things that hurt us - that have hurt us in the past.  That's what scars are for.  They protect the wounds.  Cover them with thick, numb tissue so we'll never have to feel that same pain again.  The bottom of my stump is one, big callus.  But the scars Kennedy has inside?  They're even tougher."

The Legal Briefs series landed on my "Favorite Series List" with just Overruled alone.   Then there was Sustained, where Emma Chase shined so brightly with her writing that I had to put on a welding shield to protect my eyes from the beauty of her writing of this story.  And now here comes Appealed, and it just leaves you wanting more of all of these characters because I've become so attached to them all!!

Blue's Book Reviews gives APPEALED BY EMMA CHASE, 
Click it.  Lick it.  OWN IT!!!
The Legal Briefs Series by Emma Chase

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Because of Him, I Can Be Me.

Because of Him, I Can Be Me.

I'd really love to become one of the "it" people that people follow so that my favorite authors will get more deserved recognition and that other people can see that even though things can get hard in life, there's still opportunity to find humor when the world is trying so hard to break us into tiny shards of glass.

And I'd also want people to know, that just because someone is a Born Again Spirit Filled Christian, that does not mean that we are perfect, holier than thou, or better than others.

Followers of Jesus are broken vessels, just like every other human.  Sometimes we are held together by just the finest of threads. 
Sometimes we cuss. 
Sometimes we start drinking wine at the ripe old age of 41.
Sometimes we read smutty books.  Sometimes we laugh at inappropriate jokes and memes.  Sometimes we have sweaty monkey sex with our husbands and then decide to tell the world about when that sweaty monkey sex goes terribly, terribly wrong because it's just funny, and who doesn't love a good laugh once in a while?

That does not make me any less of a Christian. 
It does not cause God to love me any less. 

I may break His heart sometimes, and trust me, He'll let me know all about it when I do.

But sometimes, I get it right and am able to show someone my faith through the trials we have been dealt with and how God intervened with a miracle that defies all logic.

He doesn't show up because I'm a perfect holy roller bible thumping Christian.  He shows up because He's the perfect Savior for this very imperfect, Barbara.

I've never shoved anything down anyone's throat and I think y'all already know that about me.

But to know me is to also understand Who helps me keep my joy.  Who helps me keep my laughter and sense of humor.  Who helps me to not stab people in the neck with my pen. 

He, Who keeps me from balling up into a fetal position in the corner of a room and rocking back and forth with my thumb in my mouth because I just can't deal with the cruelty that this life can offer on some days. 

In this day of idiotic political correctness, right is wrong and wrong is right, up is down and down is up society, I won't hide my love for Jesus because it may offend the few or even the masses at some point.

He's why I have made it this far.  He's why my name isn't on a headstone in a cemetery with the dates May 13, 1970 to May 5, 1989. 

He's the reason that my first book that I'm writing, will be my first fruits offered up to Him, telling my memoirs of the many times He literally showed up to save, to heal, to make a way where there seemed to be no way. 

This book will be my stories. 
My walk. 
My failures. 
My victories.
My testimonies.

He gets my FIRST.

I'm still trying to write these stories, so there is no expected date for when it will be ready to publish.  Some of these stories, I avoid writing because reliving them is like willingly putting your hand to the fire.  The pain can be unbearable and to relive some stories will surely cause me to bleed all over my keyboard. 

So I avoid writing them for that reason.  But I won't avoid itforever.  On days that I can't predict, I've written some of these stories.  I have shared them with very few trusted friends and authors. 

Their reactions have excited me and shocked me into believing that what I'm writing is something that people may actually want to read about.

So for those of you who have read what I've sent you, I'm so sorry this is taking me so long to complete.  It may take me many more months or even years to conclude. 

But when it is ready, I hope to make you proud.
Because of Him, I Can Be Me.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

The Girl in 6E by Alessandra Torre

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you my journey with, “The Girl in 6E” by Alessandra Torre

Wow! Webcams? Whore. Whoa. WTF? Wait. Warning! Weapons! Wincing. WTH? Whackos! WTF? Wilting. Wrecked. Whoopee! Win!

THE GIRL IN 6E by Alessandra Torre took my virginity by being my first book by her, and it will not be my last because I’m coming back for more!! What rock have I been living under all this time?? Where were my so called friends that obviously did not beat me in the head for not reading her books before now? I’m unfriending all of you who have read her books but did not slap me because I hadn’t read any of her stories yet. I’m not kidding.

Obviously I have no “real” friends anymore because any true friend of mine would have been screaming at me about Alessandra Torre books!!! Shut up. Ya’ll are dead to me now. Bye Felicia!

Torre’s writing style, her impeccable research was fascinating to me! I felt like I was not only being greatly pulled into this story but also getting an education and a few semesters in Sex Fetishes 101. I absolutely LOVED that about this book!! My heart was racing so much that I entered in my reading hours on My Fitness Pal as my cardio workout and their calculations say I should have lost 7 pounds from the hours of cardio I entered.

I don’t like to retell a book in my reviews but I want this to get your attention so I’m going to give you some tastes of this book, just a taste mind you. Never a mouthful because I want you to experience that for yourself.

Young woman locks herself up in a crappy apartment for years. Tons of hot and strange video chat sex. Craving blood. Sharp knives. Lots of Amazon Prime being delivered by a hot UPS guy. A kidnapping. Lots of blood. Victory.

Blues Book Reviews gives THE GIRL IN 6E...

FORBID ME by M. Robinson

Forbid Me by M. Robinson

Jacob and Lily's journey of friends, family and just life in general is like driving down an unpaved road in a Smart Car.  
So many potholes trying to swallow up that little car when it just wants to get from point A to point B.
The road is brutal.  Cruel even.
Jacob and Lily, even though they tried their best to stay away from each other, they end up being like positive and negative magnets being forced back together, even though their hearts try to fight it.

Forbid Me is the second book in this series after the popular book, Complicate Me.  

I'm excited to read the next installment that will be about Aubrey!!!

Get your copy here!!!!

One Click Complicate Me (Book 1)

One Click Forbid Me (Book 2)

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Breaking Him by R.K. Lilley

Blue’s Book Reviews
Just a taste of some of my favorite highlights;

“He was mine before you ever had him, and even when you did, know this, a part of him as still mine. You never got what I had. You had what was left when I was done with him.”

“What we had was always a lie. I know because if it was real it wouldn’t have ended. It felt like forever, and forever was a lie.”
“Love doesn’t save our souls. It kills them.”

“I hate his lying, conniving guts, but sex with him can be a religious experience. He remembers things about my body that even I forgot…..Ah….Oh…I see….That they seemed to get. The universal understanding of phenomenal sex. Go figure.”

“Don’t talk. Your voice ruins it for me…..Shhh. I’m trying to pretend you’re someone else. Every time you speak it ruins it for me.”

At 3% into Breaking Him, I had already highlighted 18 passages. I can’t even count the number I have highlighted since finishing this book.

Breaking Him to me, is possibly RK Lilley’s best book to date. And that is not an easy thing for me to say because her Tristan and Danika series, Bad Things, Rock Bottom and Lovely Trigger are high at the top of my most favorite series ever in the history of ever.

So for me to be able to say that she has possibly outdone herself, makes me almost sad and thrilled at the same time!

Scarlett and Dante. Dante and Scarlett. They have been in a bloody war with each other for years. Their hearts belonging to only each other, but decisions and choices were made years ago, that caused so much pain and suffering, that it changed Scarlett’s heart into vessel for revenge.

Scarlett is a masterpiece of a character and I loved her HARD!!!! RK Lilley captured brilliantly in Scarlett, what a broken heart can do to a person when that person doesn’t break. Scarlett didn’t break when her years of love and devotion with Dante ended.

Scarlett transformed into the most beautiful weapon of mass destruction where Dante is concerned.

I loved everything about her. Her hate. Her thirst for his blood. Her vengeance. Her self preservations.

Her brokenness. I want to change my name to Scarlett because I loved her that much.

Dante, oh Dante. I have no idea the extent of what he did to Scarlett yet, but as much as I wanted to despise him as much as Scarlett did, I never could do it. His love for her slaps you in your face and even though she fights to always hurt him, he takes it.

Whatever it is that he did, he’s paid his dues with pain of losing her.

I’m sure Dante’s evil spawn of satan of a mother had something to do with the demise of their relationship and I’m going to start a Word file to record all of my fantasies of how I would want to see Dante’s mother killed off.

I cannot wait for the next book, BREAKING HER to come out!!! I wouldn’t say this was huge cliffhanger, but I WANT ANSWERS AND I WANT THEM NOW!! So it does leave you wanting MORE!!! AND I WANT MORE OF DANTE AND SCARLETT!!!!

Blues Book Reviews gives

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

If You Dare (Deanna Madden Series) by Alessandra Torre

Oh how I have missed my psychotic stabby friend, Deanna Madden.
This is the 3rd book in this series, and oh how I pray it's not the last!
You must read The Girl in 6E and Do Not Disturb to fully understand the brilliance of this series.
As with the first two books, my heart raced and I lost sleep by waking up at 2am to read more because I had to know what was happening next!! 
I didn't want it to end and again, I hope we get more stories of Deanna!!  She has become one of my very favorite characters and I already miss her broken mind!!
If You Dare by Alessandra Torre consumed me, just as the other Deanna Madden books.

Betrayal (Infidelity Book 1) by Aleatha Romig

Another Grand Slam from Aleatha Romig!  This story had my mind trying to figure out where the twists and turns were trying to take me.  I was working out combinations within my head in the same way that I would be working a Rubik's Cube in my hands.

As my imagination got carried away as to who Nox could really end up being, the author had me looking down at my hands with a jumbled up cube with no matching up colors, and no way of figuring out how she ended up leaving me shocked in the direction this story took me.

Well played, Aleatha Romig.  Well played.

Betrayal sucked me in and left me gasping and needing more!

Cliffhangers leave you either loving them, hating them, or loving to hate them all at the same time. 

I can't wait to see what happens next in this story of Nox and Alex!!! 

I need more now!!!


Wednesday, November 11, 2015

The Perfect Storm Episode #111115

The Perfect Storm
Episode #111115

You know how dogs can sense when a bad storm is on its way?  Especially when they are afraid of storms?

Our girls are terrified of storms.  They cower and whine and hide under our covers in our bed.  They try to crawl up under our skin as if they could even do that.

They can also sense it when our son's storm is also brewing.

They do the exact same things as if there was a big storm coming outside.

They cower.  They hide.  They are nervous and anxious.  Miley will start panting really hard as if she's trying to hyperventilate.

They know when its time to hide in the cellar.

The events over the last couple of days forced me to take Caden in for blood work to check his Depakote levels.  He was complaining that his head felt hot and he's still very agitated, which made me decide to keep him home instead of subjecting his teachers to another day of bad weather.

Back home, he's taken his normal hatred and abuse for me and moved it over to Bryan. 

Bryan comes into the bedroom and locks the door, hugs and holds me and says, "Now he's attacking me like he's attacked you.  At least its not you this time.  But I wanta knock his effing head off."

Me hugging him back, "Well at least now you know what its like for me.  Do you want to split a pill?  I'll share mine with you."

We both laughed because I think we are probably the best medication for each other when things get hard.

He'll go outside and build something, cut something up, break something just so that he can build it back together again, or set fire to something and just watch it burn for hours.

I'll write annoying posts on Facebook, read, look at my disaster of a closet that needs to be cleaned out, but then I'll go post about my disaster of a closet that I need to clean out instead of cleaning it because I don't want to clean it.

I'll also create a Pinterest board on "Camper Remodel" and then become obsessed with how I'm going to want to decorate and remodel the 1998 Coachman Deer Camp Camper into a Glamper/Glamping Guest House for girl sleepovers and weekend getaways.

It's a darn shame that cleaning the house or organizing isn't a coping skill that any of my personalities have. 

Bryan and I both cope in such different manors, but at least neither of us has given up. 

Some days, I do want to give up.  I sometimes wish that I could be that mom that just runs away when things get too hard.  And to be honest, I used to never understand how a mother could just abandon her children because I could never do that, even though it sounds all unicorny and rainbowy.

But I can now empathize and understand it if that mother too has to go through some of what we have to go through.  Maybe she doesn't have a strong husband or support group to cheer her on?  Maybe she herself is suffering with mental illness with no one reaching out a hand to help her? 

Anyway, I can't automatically judge a mother who runs away from her life because I can't help but wonder that maybe her too, felt like she was a failure for not being enough to help her child or children.

And yes I'm whining, because I know friends who have gone through so much more severe things with their kids than we have with our Perfect Storm and it makes me feel terrible that what they have endured compared to what we are currently going through isn't even on the same planet as far as they are concerned.

I have a dear friend who's adult son (Aspy) tried dragging her along his truck while hitting her in the face, and she had to call the police on him and watch him being handcuffed and arrested.

Another dear friend's adult son who is mentally ill, has not been seen or heard from in years after he stopped taking his meds.  She prays and cries for him every day.

So I'm going to go stare at my messy closet so I can decide that I'll clean it the next time again.

I'm going to go pin some things onto my "Camper Remodel" board on Pinterest.

I'm just trying to cope.

We are all just trying to cope and survive another day without completely losing who we are.

When someone in your home is mentally ill, everyone in the home also suffers from that mental illness.  Maybe not on a diagnosis level, but it pushes your sanity to the razor thin edge into insanity.

*Side note
No where in the Bible does it say that "God won't give you what you can't handle". 
That is a myth.  A fabrication. 

So yes, God will give us more than we can endure. 

1 Corintians 10:13 No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted,  he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.

"In moments like these we feel ground to dust. Rather than stand and proclaim that we can handle it, we should imitate Jesus.

The night before Jesus was executed, He cried out in the garden, “My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death” (Matthew 26:38). Jesus told His father, “This is too much for me!”
We see this kind of thing in the Psalms, too. The Psalmists ball their fists in rage, and shout at God, “Why have you forsaken me?” (Psalm 22) In their sadness they say, “darkness is my closest friend” (Psalm 88)

When we become aware that life will give us more than we can handle and come to grips with this, we find a promise: God is faithful to meet us in the mess and in the pain."


Monday, November 2, 2015

The Truth About Mack by Jettie Woodruff

Listen up because I am not playing around....BUY THIS FREAKING BOOK!!
Get into the crazy mind of Mack and all her secrets.  Jettie Woodruff blew me the hell out of my chair with this book!  Her insane, genius, brilliant writing in The The Truth About Mack will never leave you.  

I am still quoting lines from this book, after all these months later.  Mack and her hyper sexual, mental illness issues will take you on a dark journey of lies, flies, and blood with paralyzing truths in this story.

And because I coudn't put this book down because it consumed my life, I gave it FIVE BLOODY MATTRESS COVERED IN FLIES JUST LOOK AT IT STARS!!!!

Arsen by Mia Asher

Today's Blue Spotlight is Arsen by Mia Asher. 

When I say that this
 book will completely rip you a new pooter-pucker, I mean you will not be able to sit down for weeks from the butt hurt you will experience with Arsen!!!! Get the doughnut pillow ready, forget the wine, you're gonna need the hard stuff to get you through this one. Not. Kidding.
I wanted to literally beat Cathy, the main female character (stupid freaking weak freaking stupid Cathy) with anything that would cause her great pain and a slow death. I was screaming at my Kindle "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!!???" I lost sleep. I had bad dreams. I had clarification on just how easily it can be for a woman to fall into the bed of another man, even when her husband is amazing, perfect, and loves her more than life itself. And honestly, it terrified me, because could this happen to me? Could this happen to you? Mainly, how, how, how could she do this???!!!! I retold this story to my husband and was visibly angry with tears in my eyes while talking to him about it.
True Story.
This book hurts. It hurts so freaking bad. I felt like throwing up from what Cathy was doing to her beautiful marriage. I was Team Ben all the way. Now don't get me wrong, our young and hot villain named Arsen, wins awards with his dirty mouth skills and how he baited and hooked a married woman to have a hot and filthy affair with him. I'm not sure how many women would have been able to resist him.
I feel that EVERY MARRIED WOMAN needs to read this book. It should be given to the brides as a wedding gift. It takes you on the journey of a beautiful marriage, and how a woman's selfishness and internal pain, allows another man to move in and literally obliterate that marriage. Thisbook shows the ugly truth on what happens when blind lust blows up in your face and blows up your entire life. Arsen became a drug to her and she became a full blown addict.
You will not be the same after reading Arsen. Expect to spend weeks, even months, thinking about these characters and the choices that were made.
I give Arsen by Mia Asher, 5 as in FIVE FREAKING BUTT HURTING BLUE STARS for making me scream, cry, lose sleep, and blubber to my husband that he will never have to worry about me ever choosing any man over him because I would never survive without him.
Thank you Mia Asher. Bravo, Ma'am. Bravo!!!

Commodity by Shay Savage


Commodity was so unexpected.  I had no idea what was awaiting me with this book.  My heart raced and I was on edge.

Hannah is traveling with Falk, a body guard she's never met before.   They are on their way from Atlanta to Washington to testify against a powerful business owner and politician who was running a sexual trafficking ring.

Imagine going about your day and then explosions, buildings falling, but somehow you survive it while running into a train tunnel.  When you emerge, all the men in the streets seem to be dead and there are no women, children, livestock or pets anywhere.  Gone.  They are all gone.
There are survivors, like Hannah and Falk.
And those few survivors all seem to be all men.
The women who did manage to survive, are now a very valuable commodity in this new world and forced into sexual slavery if they are caught.

Falk's mission is to protect Hannah at all costs.
He's vowed to keep her safe.
Then, she's gone.
They took her.
Falk is mortally wounded and can't save her.
He spends months tracking and searching for her.
Never giving up.

Commodity was a roller coaster of a ride so buckle up and prepare for some sleepless nights.

I highly recommend adding Commodity to your library.  I also recommend watching Skillet's "I'm Not Gonna Die Tonight" videos on YouTube to go along with this book.
Not Gonna Die by Skillet
Not Gonna Die by Skillet with Lyrics

"In a world where everything was accessible with a few clicks on a smart phone, I had nothing.  In a world of chaos where we have to fight for our very existence, I have everything.  I feel fine.  I feel needed.  I am whole again."

Blue's Book Reviews gives Commodity by Shay Savage
5 Stomach Dipping Heart Racing Stars!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

The Jack and Jill Series by Jewel E. Ann


End of Day (Book 1)
Middle of Knight (Book 2)
Dawn of Forever (Book 3, coming in February 2016)

One of my followers and Biff’s (Blue’s Imaginary Facebook Friends) got my attention towards these books.  I’ve never read anything by Jewel E. Ann before this, and this Biff was so passionate about this series, that I downloaded the samples, befriended the author and she graciously sent me a copy of Book 1, End of Day.

Page one, HOOKED ME.

These books had it all.  The angst.  The heartbreak.  The suspense.  The hilarious banter.  The steamy sex.  The bad ass brother/sister twins with muscles and skills to kill anyone with just their thumbs if need be.  Secrets.   Love.  Murder. 

Jack and Jill Knight, aka Jackson and Jillian, were born at the ripe old ages of 29.  Their lives as Jude and Jessica Day died, along with their parents.  Now having to start their lives over, trying to remember that who they used to be is buried with their parents 6ft underground.
I loved these characters so much along with the twists and turns.  I never knew what to expect with each chapter!! 

Here are some quotes that I’ve saved;
“How could the person she mourned the most be the only one still living?”
“I know what it feels like to want to give up.  I know what it feels like to not feel in control of your body.  Living is so much harder than dying.”
“There’s no acceptance in watching someone die.  There’s only a lifetime of regret from knowing you couldn’t stop it from happening.”
“There are just some things in life that can only be erased by death.  I don’t want her to die, so I’ve accepted the crazy.”

End of Day was a bit slower paced, so I’m giving it FOUR BLUE STARS!
Middle of Knight was perfection and it gets FIVE BLAZING BLUE STARS!!!!
I can’t wait for BOOK 3 in February!!! 
Definitely add this series to you list of must reads!!!! 

Get your copies here; 

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Blue's Book Reviews PRIEST by Sierra Simone

Blue’s Book Reviews
PRIEST by Sierra Simone
I have to be completely honest here, I was terrified to read this book.  I mean, I’m a Born Again Christian that cusses a little and reads smutty romance books.  So there are some boundaries that I do have and any Christian should have some set boundaries that they will not cross.  But after seeing post after post after post about Priest, my curiosity got the best of me.  If things got really weird, I’d just stop reading it and move on to my next book.
But ohhhhhh boy.  Things definitely got something, but “weird” wasn’t ever the word that came to mind!!! 
Sierra Simone did a phenomenal job with this book and when I tell you that you better invest in some SHAMWOW PANTIES, THEN GET YOUR BUTT ON EBAY AND BUY SOME SHAMWOW PANTIES, or just wear an overnight pad while reading Priest because DAAAAYYYYUUUUMMMM. 
You know, even the best God loving couples should have a great and freaky sex life, and I felt that this book really had a great balance of hot sex, the internal struggle within a Christian to do the right things, love God and to know just how far to let our urges take us. 
“Both of us just stared down at it, this impossible sight:  me inside of her, a priest tasting the forbidden fruit and barely able to keep himself from eating it all.”
Priest is brilliantly written and as afraid as I was to read it, I’m now afraid for all of you who won’t read it for the same reasons I almost didn’t.  If you are on the fence with this one, then it’s not for me to tell you where to push your spiritual boundaries to.  But if you already read these types of books, then you will not be disappointed with Priest!!!
Here are my suggestions if you do decide to take the leap as I did;
#1.  Be wearing Sham-wow panties or overnight super heavy flow pads while reading.
#2.  Have your husband, boyfriend or BOB very handy while reading.
#3.  Confess that you read Priest by Sierra Simone to all your back door reading friends because if you’re like me, you keep your reading life hidden from your real life so that none of your church family shows up at your house crying and praying for your soul.  But seriously, you’ll want to tell your secret reading friends about this book, and you’ll want to do it often!!!
Blues Book Reviews gives PRIEST by Sierra Simone 

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Blue's Book Reviews BREAKING HIM by R.k Lilley

Blue’s Book Reviews
Just a taste of some of my favorite highlights;
“He was mine before you ever had him, and even when you did, know this, a part of him as still mine. You never got what I had. You had what was left when I was done with him.”
“What we had was always a lie. I know because if it was real it wouldn’t have ended. It felt like forever, and forever was a lie.”
“Love doesn’t save our souls. It kills them.”
“I hate his lying, conniving guts, but sex with him can be a religious experience. He remembers things about my body that even I forgot…..Ah….Oh…I see….That they seemed to get. The universal understanding of phenomenal sex. Go figure.”
“Don’t talk. Your voice ruins it for me…..Shhh. I’m trying to pretend you’re someone else. Every time you speak it ruins it for me.”
At 3% into Breaking Him, I had already highlighted 18 passages. I can’t even count the number I have highlighted since finishing this book. Breaking Him to me, is possibly RK Lilley’s best book to date. And that is not an easy thing for me to say because her Tristan and Danika series, Bad Things, Rock Bottom and Lovely Trigger are high at the top of my most favorite series ever in the history of ever.
So for me to be able to say that she has possibly outdone herself, makes me almost sad and thrilled at the same time!
Scarlett and Dante. Dante and Scarlett. They have been in a bloody war with each other for years. Their hearts belonging to only each other, but decisions and choices were made years ago, that caused so much pain and suffering, that it changed Scarlett’s heart into vessel for revenge.
Scarlett is a masterpiece of a character and I loved her HARD!!!! RK Lilley captured brilliantly in Scarlett, what a broken heart can do to a person when that person doesn’t break. Scarlett didn’t break when her years of love and devotion with Dante ended. Scarlett transformed into the most beautiful weapon of mass destruction where Dante is concerned.
I loved everything about her. Her hate. Her thirst for his blood. Her vengeance. Her self-preservations. Her brokenness. I want to change my name to Scarlett because I loved her that much.
Dante, oh Dante. I have no idea the extent of what he did to Scarlett yet, but as much as I wanted to despise him as much as Scarlett did, I never could do it. His love for her slaps you in your face and even though she fights to always hurt him, he takes it.
Whatever it is that he did, he’s paid his dues with pain of losing her.
I’m sure Dante’s evil spawn of satan of a mother had something to do with the demise of their relationship and I’m going to start a Word file to record all of my fantasies of how I would want to see Dante’s mother killed off.
I cannot wait for the next book, BREAKING HER to come out!!! I wouldn’t say this was huge cliffhanger, but I WANT ANSWERS AND I WANT THEM NOW!! So it does leave you wanting MORE!!! AND I WANT MORE OF DANTE AND SCARLETT!!!!
Blues Book Reviews gives

Monday, October 19, 2015

Blue's Book Reviews SUSTAINED by EMMA CHASE

I can't remember ever staying up till 3am to finish a book!!! I could not put SUSTAINED down!!!!!
“And she screams. A horrible, piercing wail that I’ll never forget as long as I live. Pain so bare, so raw, that thoughts aren’t even possible – just an endless flow of agonized sobs. Her knees give out, and I catch her.”
Sustained is classic Emma Chase, you get the sarcasm and great writing flow. This one though, wasn't so much laugh out loud as much as the much as her other books but still supplying the absolutely fantastic witty banter.
The characters, you just fall hard in love with each and every one of them. There are 6 orphaned children and their 26yr old aunt who is now their sole guardian and is trying to manage mourning kids along with her own personal mourning. When her brother and beloved sister in law were killed in a car accident, she had to leave college in CA and go to the kids in DC. She gave up everything for them, and she loves those children so beautifully, that you feel it strongly through Emma’s brilliant writing.
Then there’s Jake, ohemgee, Jake. I freaking love him!! I have tears in my eyes just thinking about him. Just wow. This is probably one of the best, if not the best book she's written to date, and that is not an easy thing for me to say when it comes to anything Emma Chase has written!!
The hot sex doesn't kick up until around 50%, but the incredible dialogue and everything else with this homerun, field goal, touchdown, hole in one and swoosh of a storyline, it didn't even need the sex scenes to be amazing!! Even though I do love me some smoking hot sex scenes and she never disappoints in this category, Emma Chase did not disappoint in the bumpin’ ugly scenes (ifyaknowwhatimean)!!!
Blues Book Reviews gives SUSTAINED by Emma Chase